MHX Spell A Word 1.0 - released July 2017               

MHX Spell A Word is an easy to play game built for Windows tablets, PCs, and interactive whiteboards. Its game interface includes easy to use drag and drop lowercase letters to build students confidence in the lowercase alphabet. Players hear a word and try to sound it out, but the game allows users to repeat words and give hints to support learning.

MHX Spell A Word includes hundreds of words for students to practice their vocabulary.  Version 1.0 includes a customizable playlist that includes all of the Dolch list words from Pre-K to Grade 3. It also includes dozens of word families to introduce rhyming to children. Spell A Word is designed  to be easy enough  for Kindergarten students to be able to use independently, but can also be used in whole class instruction.

The free version includes all of the features of the full version, but will run for 6 minutes at a time. The cost to register the full version is a one time fee of $3.99.

Sale is on now. Get MHX Spell A Word for $1.99!